Category: English

  • Juxtaposition: Comparing Contrasts in Writing

    Juxtaposition is a powerful literary technique that involves positioning two or more contrasting concepts, words, phrases, or images side-by-side to highlight their differences and create an interesting effect for the reader. This intentional placement of contrasting elements allows new comparisons to be made and fresh perspectives to emerge. What is Juxtaposition? Juxtaposition refers to placing […]

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  • 20 However Synonyms

    Using synonyms of “however” in writing or speech can enhance your communication by adding variety and avoiding repetition. Here are a few reasons why using synonyms can be beneficial: While it’s essential to use synonyms appropriately, maintaining clarity and coherence should be a priority. Always consider the context and choose synonyms that best fit the […]

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  • What is a synonym for experience?

    Synonyms for experience is an excellent way to make your resume more interesting and varied. Experience is a valuable asset that can set you apart in the job market. Employers are looking for candidates who not only have the required skills and knowledge but also the experience to apply them in practical situations. However, using […]

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  • Positive Words That Start with ‘K’

    Are you in need of some positive vibes and inspiration? Look no further than our list of 10 kind and keen positive words that start with K! These words are not only great for expanding your vocabulary, but they can also help boost your positivity and overall mood. Positive words that start with “K”: Keywords: […]

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  • Facetious: Understanding the Meaning of Facetious and Usage 

    What does Facetious mean?  Facetious means to be joking or making light of a situation in a way that is not serious. It often involves humor or sarcasm, but it is not meant to be taken seriously. A facetious remark is something said to be funny, rather than to convey a serious message. “Facetious” is […]

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  • Making it simple: Robust 

    Word: Robust  Pronunciation: roh-buhst (with the stress on the first syllable) Meaning: The word “robust” means strong and healthy, or able to withstand or recover from difficult conditions. It can also be used to describe something that is well-developed or full-bodied. For example, if you have a robust immune system, it means that your body […]

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