Category: Vocabulary

  • When to Use Then vs Than

    Do you struggle knowing the right contexts and uses for the words “then” and “than”? Many people mix up these two common words even though they have very different meanings. Understanding the key differences is essential for communicating clearly in both written and spoken English. This article will explain when to use “then” versus “than” […]

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  • What does Derision Mean?

    Derision means making fun of someone or something in a very unkind, disrespectful way. It’s mocking or ridiculing something contemptuously. Meaning: The act of ridiculing or mocking someone/something. Making fun of contemptuously. Part of speech: Noun 5 Example sentences: 1.The girls responded with derision when Mary tripped and dropped her lunch tray at school.2. The […]

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  • What does Mettle mean?

    Mettle means strength of character or courage. When someone has “mettle”, they have mental toughness and determination. It’s like when someone doesn’t give up, even when things are really hard. It shows how tough and determined they are. Mettle Meaning: A person’s strength of character or spirit Part of speech: Noun  Example Sentences using the […]

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  • What does Vehement mean ?

    Vehement” is a big word that means someone feels very, very strongly about something. It’s like when you really, really want a toy, and you keep telling everyone how much you want it and how important it is to you. That’s being vehement about wanting that toy. It’s when your feelings are super strong and […]

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  • Metaphors with Meanings

    Time is money. Meaning: This metaphor suggests that time, like money, should be used wisely and not wasted because it is valuable. Life is a journey. Love is a battlefield. Knowledge is a light. The world is a stage. Hope is a beacon.

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  • What Are Phrasal Verbs with examples

    Phrasal verbs are verbs that are combined with prepositions or adverbs to create new meanings What Are Phrasal Verbs? Phrasal verbs are verbs combined with prepositions or adverbs to create new verb meanings. Some examples are “take off,” “look into,” and “carry on.” As you can see, they allow you to express ideas more concisely […]

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  • Juxtaposition: Comparing Contrasts in Writing

    Juxtaposition is a powerful literary technique that involves positioning two or more contrasting concepts, words, phrases, or images side-by-side to highlight their differences and create an interesting effect for the reader. This intentional placement of contrasting elements allows new comparisons to be made and fresh perspectives to emerge. What is Juxtaposition? Juxtaposition refers to placing […]

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  • Affect Vs Effect

    The English language is full of words that sound similar but have different meanings, causing confusion for many writers and speakers. One common pair that often leads to mix-ups is “affect” and “effect.” These two words may sound similar, but they have distinct roles and uses in sentences.Wwe will explore the differences between “affect” and […]

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  • 20 However Synonyms

    Using synonyms of “however” in writing or speech can enhance your communication by adding variety and avoiding repetition. Here are a few reasons why using synonyms can be beneficial: While it’s essential to use synonyms appropriately, maintaining clarity and coherence should be a priority. Always consider the context and choose synonyms that best fit the […]

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  • What is a synonym for experience?

    Synonyms for experience is an excellent way to make your resume more interesting and varied. Experience is a valuable asset that can set you apart in the job market. Employers are looking for candidates who not only have the required skills and knowledge but also the experience to apply them in practical situations. However, using […]

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