8 Declarative Sentences in a Classroom

Declarative Sentences: These sentences make a statement and tell us something. They end with a period. For example: “Dogs have fur.” “Apples are a fruit.” Declarative sentences tell us information.

8 Declarative Sentences in a Classroom

  • Letters make up the words we read and write.
  • The color red is made by mixing blue and yellow paint.
  • Triangles have three straight sides.
  • Apples grow on trees in orchards.
  • Caterpillars spin cocoons and change into butterflies.
  • We live on a planet called Earth that orbits the sun.
  • Squirrels gather nuts to eat during the winter.
  • Firefighters wear special clothes and drive red trucks.

click here for 8 Interrogative Sentences.

click here for 8 Imperative Sentences.

click here for 8 Exclamatory Sentences.


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