List of common words ‘TH Words’

The English language is full of fascinating words, and today, we’ll explore an important group: Th words. These words are versatile and appear in various contexts, often bringing rhythm and flow to sentences. Whether they start with “th,” contain “th,” or end with “th,” these words enrich our vocabulary.

Is th is a diagraph?

Yes, “th” is a digraph in the English language. A digraph is a combination of two letters that represent a single sound (phoneme). The “th” digraph is unique because it can produce two distinct sounds:

  1. Voiced “th” (/ð/): This is the sound in words like thisthat, and the. It involves vibration in the vocal cords when pronounced.
  2. Voiceless “th” (/θ/): This sound occurs in words like thinkthin, and path. It is softer and does not use vocal cord vibration.

Words that start with Th

Th words that begin with “th” are commonly used in daily language. Many of these words serve as foundational building blocks for effective communication. Here are some examples:

  • Think
  • Thank
  • Theater
  • Thought
  • Thrive
  • Thunder

Common Th words

Some words have “th” nestled within them. These words can add complexity and elegance to your vocabulary:

  • Father
  • Mother
  • Brother
  • Leather
  • Gather

Notice how the “th” sound ties the word together, creating a seamless flow.

Words That End with TH

Ending a word with “th” gives it a soft, conclusive sound. Here are some examples:

  • Growth
  • Strength
  • Worth
  • Earth
  • Beneath

These TH words are often associated with powerful imagery and abstract concepts, making them invaluable for poetic and descriptive writing.

Th Word List

Here’s a comprehensive Th word list to inspire you:

  1. Thin
  2. Thistle
  3. Thrust
  4. Hearth
  5. Tenth
  6. Truth
  7. Path
  8. Both
  9. Depth
  10. Health

Using this list of Th words, you can enrich your vocabulary, enhance your writing, and improve your language skills.

Click here for List of Common ‘Sh’ Words.

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