Category: Vocabulary

  • Xenophobia: What It Means with Examples

    What does xenophobia mean? “Xenophobia” is a noun that refers to an irrational or unreasonable fear or hatred of strangers, foreigners, or people from different cultures. It can also refer to a tendency to be suspicious or fearful of anything that is perceived as foreign or unfamiliar. The word “xenophobia” is derived from two Greek […]

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  • Know your ‘Kn’ words

    The “kn” words are a combination of two letters, “k” and “n”, which together make a unique sound commonly found at the beginning of words. It is a silent letter combination, which means that when you pronounce words that begin with “kn,” you do not pronounce the “k” sound. Instead, you pronounce the “n” sound […]

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  • Exploring the Unique World of X Words

    The X words in English  The letter “X” is one of the least common letters in the English alphabet, and as a result, it can be difficult to come up with words that begin with it. However, there are still a number of interesting and useful words that start with “X.” Let us explore some […]

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  • Add Depth and Complexity to the Sound of Speech withDiphthongs

    Diphthongs play an important role in fluent English speech, helping to convey meaning and nuance in spoken language. They are important in the pronunciation of words and can change the meaning of a word if pronounced incorrectly. In English, diphthongs are used in many common words and are an important part of the language. Diphthongs […]

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  • List of Common ‘Sh’ Words

    List of Common ‘Sh’ Words

    Is sh a digraph? Sh” sound is a common sound in the English language, and there are many words that contain this sound. In fact, ‘sh’ is a digraph, which means it represents a single sound made up of two letters. The ‘sh’ sound is a voiceless fricative, meaning that it is produced by forcing […]

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